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By Kaley Lucien on  3/25/2024

Faces of JBC: Collin Birk

Faces of JBC: Collin Birk

Welcome to this month's edition of Faces of JBC, our monthly feature shining a spotlight on the remarkable individuals who form the backbone of our organization. They work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure we consistently surpass customer expectations.

Today, we're sitting down with Collin Birk, JBC Technologies' Accounting Manager. Collin stumbled into accounting during high school and found his niche. Since joining Team JBC in 2022, he's been a linchpin in integrating new facilities, among other things. 

In this interview, we'll chat about Collin's motivations, his role at JBC, and the team he works with. From crunching numbers to fostering a welcoming workplace, Collin gives us a peek behind the scenes at JBC Technologies. Let's dive in!

Why did you decide to go into accounting and what do you like most about it?

I fell into accounting in high school and was considering career options. I was interested in pursuing a business career and took an accounting class that I thoroughly enjoyed, and the rest is history. I enjoy working with numbers from working on financial statements to performing financial analysis.  

Can you describe your role at JBC and how it fits with the big picture? 

 My role at JBC is focused on accounting operations, financial reporting and analysis, and treasury management. Finance plays a role in nearly every company process, but I make the biggest impact through the treasury function and financial analysis.

Analysis of past results and forward-looking projections allows other departments within the company to make informed decisions on how to proceed with future operations.

What attracted you to JBC and what is your favorite part of your role?

I was attracted to JBC Technologies by the opportunities to grow and by the experienced leaders that the company has gathered. My favorite part of this role is working with other functions within the organization and getting additional insight into the business through their expertise.

Tell us about the team you work on

I work closely with JBCs CFO, IT Manager, and Accounting Clerk. The team has a lot of different personalities and varied work experiences, but we work well together and are better off for that.

What is the best part/ most unique about working at JBC?

There is a good culture where people work hard but also treat each other with respect and like to have fun.

So far, what has been your favorite project since working here?

A continuous project I have enjoyed is working on improving JBCs financial reporting so that we have better financial information to provide to stakeholders.

How do you feel you have grown professionally/expectations for professional growth?

I have gained a better understanding of how the accounting and finance functions partner together and learned some new ways to analyze results. I anticipate my growth in that area will continue but I also hope to develop better leadership skills.

Can you describe your job/company in three words?

Flexible, Balanced, Resilient

What are you most proud of while working here at JBC?

The level of acceptance and inclusivity of the people that I work with.

What are some of your interests outside of work?

I follow Cleveland’s local sports teams and I am a fan of international soccer, following the US national team as well as Bayern Munich and Manchester United. I also like to read sci-fi and fantasy novels.



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