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By Kate Gluck on  8/20/2019

Faces of JBC: Get to Know RJ Geibel

Faces of JBC: Get to Know RJ Geibel

Welcome to the next edition of our “Faces of JBC Technologies” series. We continue to feature the faces behind our brand, the people who every day bring their best to the table and help to ensure our customers receive the highest quality products and services. 

Our employees are the key to achieving our main purpose: make doing business easy for every customer. Today we feature the Plant Manager for our Madison, WI branch, RJ Geibel. 

Tell me about what you did before joining JBC?

I graduated in May of 2017 with a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Gannon University. JBC was my first job after graduating.

What led to your interest in mechanical engineering?

Most of my family are in accounting and finance. I have personally always really enjoyed both math and science. Mechanical engineering was a great fit for both of those. I have always been a tinkerer too, looking into how things work.

Where did you start out at JBC? What position?

 I started out as a rotational engineer in 2017 and am still in that position. I am currently in my third rotation here.

Tell us more about your experiences as a rotational engineer.

Rotational engineers typically go through three rotations with JBC, serving in three different departments or positions.

For my first rotation, I worked in the engineering department in Cleveland, focusing on continuous improvement. I worked with that team to make sure processes were correct in our systems and to find any opportunities where we could improve. Paying attention to processes was key in that position. 

For my second rotation, I supported engineering and tech support, interacting with customers. I helped to get information on parts, to understand what customers wanted, to select the best materials and processes, to determine fair pricing, and more. 

For my third rotation, I came here to manage the Madison office. I do a bit of everything each day. My main goals are to grow this facility and align everything with what we do at the Cleveland branch. As plant manager, I also oversee engineers, supervisors, drivers, and production associates. I have been in this position for about one year.

What does a Plant Manager do?

I do a little bit of everything as plant manager of this branch - from engineering, to scheduling, and even HR work. I have my hands in the supply chain, as well. I get support from our Cleveland branch, coordinating a good deal with them, but the day-to-day front and back office work here is my responsibility.

What do you enjoy most about working at JBC?

From the beginning, I have always appreciated the amount of opportunities for me to grow here. I have personally seen the way management promotes from within, putting each person’s talents to work. They put you into new and challenging roles so you can utilize your unique abilities and interests. 

Before JBC, I interned at a bigger company, and it was much harder to get things done there. At JBC, I can actually make an impact and contribute. The cool thing is that the owner and management here at JBC want you to do that. They want everyone to try and even fail sometimes, as that can uncover a solution that’s waiting to be found.

It is also great to work with a growing company. When I have spent time with upper management, I have been able to see where the company is going. I am excited to be with a company that is expanding and growing.

The culture is great here too. It’s a good group of people who really care about one another.

What are some of your hobbies outside of work?

I enjoy anything sports related. I am joining a frisbee league and play indoor soccer in winter. I also love to do anything outside. Madison has great weather for riding bikes and there are trails everywhere here. I try to ride my bike every day. 

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